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The St. Paul Voice

Welcome to The Voice!

The general “news” portion of the newsletter will contain relevant articles on what has taken place in St. Paul. This main section may contain anything from reports and highlights of events, to fun or spiritual observations (new members, mu- sic, technology, etc.,) within the church.

St. Paul Star of The Month

will feature a different member each month. This section will

appreciate all things positive about St. Paul members, help others to know more about their church family, and encourage active church membership.

Don't Miss It!

will provide a list and/or brief description of upcoming events. The events will primarily be those of St. Paul, but may also include relative C.M.E. and/or community happenings.

Trustee's Tablet

will be an update and report on what's going on with the physical structure of the church. It may also contain things that members need to be aware of regarding visitors (renters, programs, etc.,) to our build- ing.

4644 Snap

(derived from Snapchat) will be an article written by

a St. Paul child, youth or young adult. They may choose their topic or be assigned one.

Recipe of The Month

A step-by-step guide to creating something good to eat or drink as shared by one of St. Paul's very own.

St. Paul CME Church Chicago the Third Episcopal District of the CME Church All Rights Reserved Copyright ©2012
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